A Capital Decrease for Barbary Investment Group (BIG) (BIGP.CA) (SMEs Market)

The Listing Committee held 04 /10/2021 has decided to list the decrease of the issued capital for Barbary Investment Group ( BIG ) company from EGP 30,164,074 to EGP 15,082,037 , the EGP 15,082,037 capital decrease to be deducted from the balance of the carried forward losses , through decreasing the share par value from EGP 0.20 to be EGP 0.10 with the same number of issued shares remaining unchanged that amounted to 150,820,370 shares at par value of EGP 0.10 per share, these amendments will be added to EGX database 10/10/2021.
The Listing Committee has also Approved the amendment of Article No. (4) of the companys bylaws, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 14 of 2012 on Integrated Development in the Sinai Peninsula Region.
The Listing Committee has also Approved the amendment of Article No. (4) of the companys bylaws, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 14 of 2012 on Integrated Development in the Sinai Peninsula Region.